The 20-item Operational Police Stress Questionnaire (PSQ-Op) was created to measure one of the most common stressors for police officers; operational stress. The relationship between stress and work has been a rising topic for discussion and research over the past few years. Stress related to work is taking a toll on the employees as well as the employers. Reduced productivity, absenteeism, and employee turnovers are all stress-related issues that may negatively affect employers with burnt-out employees. The Operational Police Stress Questionnaire (PSQ-Op) is psycho-metrically sound to measure the operational stressors that policing entails. The PSQ-Op should be used in future programs investigating the association between physical health, stress, and psychological well-being.
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Donald R. McCreary & Megan M. Thompson
To Access this Instrument
Operational Police Stress Questionnaire
Reliability and Validity
In the report by developer McCreary DR & Thompson MM (2004), The development of a reliable and valid measure of stressors in policing: A summary of findings from WSIB Development Grant 02-051, showed that the PSQ-Op is highly reliable (alphas > .09; corrected item-total correlations between .40 and .60) and positively correlated (r = .50 or less) with other general stress measures.
Administration, Analysis and Reporting
Statistics Solutions consists of a team of professional methodologists and statisticians that can assist the student or professional researcher in administering the survey instrument, collecting the data, conducting the analyses and explaining the results.
For additional information on these services, click here.
Dissertations that have used the Operational Police Stress Questionnaire
Lucas, Philip William. (2012). Examining Career Satisfaction among Crime Scene Investigators in State Investigative Agencies. (Northcentral University).
Rawls, Amber C. (2010). Surviving Critical Incidents: Police Officers, Posttraumatic Stress, and Posttraumatic Growth. (University of Louisiana at Monroe).
Shane, Jon M. (2008). Organization Stressors and Police Performance. (Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey)
McCreary, Donald R.; Thompson, Megan M. (2006). Development of Two Reliable and Valid Measures of Stressors in Policing: The Operational and Organizational Police Stress Questionnaires. International Journal of Stress Management, Vol 13(4).
McCreary, Don. (2009). Development of the Police Stress Questionnaires.