Capella Research Plan Section 5.8: Data Collection Procedures

Qualitative Methodology
Quantitative Methodology
Research Plan

In Section 5.8 of the Capella Quantitative Research Plan (RP), you will provide an in-depth view of how you will collect your data. This section, like the other procedures sections of your RP, requires sufficient detail for future researchers to replicate your study. Organizing your procedures in bullet form is a terrific first step. Make sure that this bulleted list covers every step of your data collection; detail is key because it can help you plan to avoid future pitfalls. You can then expand this bulleted list into a full narrative for data collection.

Section 5.8 begins with implementing informed consent (for primary data collection) or gaining permission to access data (for secondary data collection). For primary data collection, have participants indicate consent by selecting ‘consent’ or ‘do not consent’ in a multiple-choice question.. You may also state that proceeding to the survey after reviewing the informed consent indicates consent to participate.

Next, you will describe how participants will provide their data. Will they complete a survey online? Will you administer a paper and pencil survey? Are you getting data from another source? You will describe the exact method in this section. Again, you need to provide enough detail to allow for replication of your study by future researchers.

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Finally, indicate how and where you will store data. One should store paper copies in a locked filing cabinet in a secure location, such as my private office. I will store electronic data on a password-protected computer. I will retain the data for a specified period and destroy it following ethical guidelines to protect participants’ privacy.

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