Love Your Dissertation

Academic News & Updates

Fall back in love with your research and learn to love the dissertation process. How? The same way you began your doctoral journey, with dedicated motivation and purpose! Procrastination is a killer of progress for most graduate students, so our February theme is about honing your intellectual passion to create the dissertation progress you’ve been looking for.

Incentivize Daily Writing Time

It’s no secret that consistent writing leads to dissertation progress. Each day, you should sit down to write for at least 30 minutes. Start anywhere, write anything. Subsequently, this will help creative juices to start to flow; before you know it, 30 minutes will turn into 60, which will turn into a completed chapter. Use an incentive to motivate a daily writing routine to get yourself in awriting routine. For example, reward yourself with 10 minutes of leisure TV time for every 30 minutes spent writing.

Verbalize Your Writers Block

Remember that feeling of excitement you used to get every time someone asked about your dissertation topic? Locate that feeling and talk about it! Speak with your colleagues, mentors, friends, and family – reconnect with the excitement you feel for the subject and your motivation won’t be far behind.

Recognize Your Effort

Understand that the dissertation process can be isolating and lonely and leave you feeling overwhelmed at times. Expecting rejection, committee feedback, and the occasional chapter rewrite will allow you to not get discouraged when you experience a set-back. Instead, recognize how hard you’ve worked and be proud of the progress you’ve made. There is a clear finish line and you can reach it with dedication and consistency.

We hope February’s Newsletter gets you in the mood to create, write, and make dissertation progress!


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We work with graduate students every day and know what it takes to get your research approved.

  • Address committee feedback
  • Roadmap to completion
  • Understand your needs and timeframe