Section 1 – BEGINNING
Your research certainly needs to fill a gap in the literature, but when forming your set of potential topics, your driving motivation should be identifying ones that you know are doable; trust that, for at least one of the brainstormed topics, you will find a gap to justify your research in the end. I know this sounds counterintuitive, but recognize that once you select a topic, you can pretty much always find a rationale for conducting your study (e.g., by using a different sample, a different instrument, or a different location). In short, pick the topic and justify it later.
Nevertheless, Typical time to completion: 30 days
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Beginning your dissertation journey
How to Choose your Topic & Develop your RQ’s & Hypothesis
Tools & Templates
Directory of Survey Instruments
Choosing your Dissertation Topic
Dissertation Topic: Establishing a Gap
How do I Choose my Dissertation Topic?
Schedule a time to speak with an expert using the link below.
Section 2 – RESEARCH PLAN / SMR (Capella Only)
In particular, the research plan is an abbreviated introduction and methodology chapters. Specifically, in an introduction, the researcher states: the purpose of the study and how the study examines the research problem; the significance of the study, which should explain why this study is important; and the study’s research questions, which sit at the heart of the What that the study seeks to examine. Additionally, the research plan addresses the approach of the study, which is either qualitative or quantitative, the research design, the methodological model, and the rationale of the study. The introduction also identifies the theoretical framework, the constructs and variables in the study, and any definitions used in the study.
Nevertheless, typical time to completion: 60 – 90 days
Tools & Templates
Directory of Survey Instruments
The Myth of Mixed Method Dissertations
Scientific Merit Review (SMR): Constructs, Variables, and Operational Definitions
Capella University and the Scientific Merit Review
The Capella Research Plan and Your Literature Review
Capella Research Plan Section 2.4: Methodology and Basic Overview
Sections 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3 of the Capella Quantitative Research Plan
In particular, considering your prospectus will likely represent your first official submission to your committee. In addition, to start your prospectus by clearly indicating in its introduction the rationale behind your dissertation topic. This will necessarily involve providing pertinent background information—either in the introduction or separately—to familiarize your committee with the literature in which your study sits. Essentially, let your committee know that you have a rock-solid grasp on what you aim to study, and why you know you must do so.
That is, typical time to completion: 60 days
Consequently, view Upcoming Webinars
Prospectus & Dissertation Introduction: Everything You Need to Know
How to Choose your Topic & Develop your RQ’s & Hypothesis
All the Dissertation Resources & Tips you Need
How to Complete your Dissertation in 1 Year
Tools & Templates
Directory of Survey Instruments
Building Blocks of Your Research Concept Paper
Developing Your Theoretical Framework
What’s the deal with conceptual framework?
The Logical Link Between Instrument and Framework
Connecting the Theoretical Framework to Your Quantitative Study
The Theoretical Framework: Keep it Simple
How to Begin Writing your Theoretical Framework
Generally, introductions serve as an easy way for the unfamiliar to take on an air of familiarity. Specifically, the same can be said about getting your dissertation started. In this case, the Introduction to your dissertation aims to firmly ground an unfamiliar reader in your research topic, developing enough interest along the way such that your audience actually wants to read the rest. In order to facilitate this familiarizing effect, this section of your dissertation begins with setting up the problem, as well as the general topic you aim to explore.
Nevertheless, typical time to completion: 60 days (completion time estimate is reduced with completion of SMR/RP or Prospectus/Concept paper)
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Everything you need for a Great Introduction and Literature Review but Were Afraid to Ask
Introduction and Literature Review
Prospectus and Dissertation Introduction: Everything you need to know
Introduction: Get your Dissertation Started
Additionally, your Literature Review chapter represents an integral component to your successfully completing your dissertation. This is because, after the Literature Review’s introduction—which orients the reader as to the purpose of the topic and states the main points clearly—this chapter provides the conceptual basis, justification, analysis, and interpretation of the problem under investigation. Specifically, it does this by presenting: (1) the historical knowledge in the field; (2) knowledge of similar research; (3) knowledge pertaining to unsolved problems surrounding your topic; and (4) any knowledge of gaps in the literature.
Nevertheless, Typical time to completion: 60 days
For instance, view Upcoming Webinars
Navigating you Literature Review – Tools to Save Time
Literature Review: Shaping your Dissertation
Literature Reviews from the Ground Up
The Literature Review, Part 1: What to Include
The Literature Review, Part 2: What Not to Include
How to Structure your Literature Review
Finding and Managing Literature Review Sources
5 To-Do’s When Writing your Literature Review
Therefore, in the scientific method—i.e., the method used in dissertations—is based, in part, on the ability of others to replicate your study. Specifically, in order to faithfully replicate your study, other researchers must know the Who, What, Where, When, and How of your study. While there are nuanced difference in the details between qualitative and quantitative studies, the methodologies to both are similar. In short, a methodology provides a blueprint for other researchers to follow, allowing them to conduct their own study while using your method to arrive at similar findings. The following excerpts provide a brief overview of how the two approaches to methodology formation differ.
Thus, typical time to completion: 60 days
For instance, view Upcoming Webinars
Methodology and Results Game Changer
Beginning the Dissertation Process: The Importance of the Methodology
Capella Research Plan Section 2.4: Methodology and Basic Overview
How to Choose Your Qualitative Methodology
7 Elements of your Dissertation Methodology
Section 7 – IRB / URR
The purpose of the IRB proposal is to answer four key questions of why your research is important, how you intend to conduct the research, who will take part in your study, and how you will manage experimental data once you have collected it. Conversely, just as with the other chapters you will write as you work through this process, the IRB application can be broken down into a few key components. Furthermore, adequately addressing these four key components will give your IRB confidence in your ability to proceed with the study in a safe and ethical manner.
That is, typical time to completion: 60 days
For instance, view Upcoming Webinars
How to Write your IRB Application for Approval
Avoiding Hurdles in your IRB Application
Reporting and Improving Readability of your IRB Materials
Tools to Expedite your Proposal, IRB, and Results
Dealing with committee and IRB issues? You’re not alone!
Section 8 – PPT: PROPOSAL
Generally, the dissertation proposal consists of Chapters 1-3: the Introduction, the Literature Review, and the Methodology. More specifically, your dissertation proposal will need to show your committee that you have identified a purposeful and important dissertation study (part of the Introduction, Chapter 1), will fill a gap in the literature (part of the Literature Review, Chapter 2), and have a method to assess that gap (part of the Methodology, Chapter 3).
Thus, typical time to completion: 30 days
Expectations of the PowerPoint Dissertation Proposal Defense
The Do’s and Don’ts to Presenting your Dissertation Proposal
Section 9 – RESULTS
On the other hand, the Quantitative Results Chapter includes confirming the correct analyses, conducting the actual analyses, and the write-up and explanation of the findings. You must conduct descriptive statistics on demographic and research variables (i.e., mean, standard deviation, frequency and percent as appropriate); Conduct analyses and assess assumptions to examine the research questions; and Assess the assumptions of the analyses. Furthermore, the Qualitative Results Chapter includes thematization and reliability. However, you must read and re-read your interview transcripts; Thematize your participant responses; and Draft or co-draft results chapter to present themes and supporting excerpts of those themes.
That is, typical time to completion: 30 days
Software & Tools
Directory of Statistical Analysis
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Almost There – Results, Discussion, & APA Editing
Results, Discussion, APA Editing, & Defense
Tips for Writing Qualitative Results When you Don’t Feel like Writing
Quantitative Results Chapter (in less than 1 week)
Preparing for your Accelerated Quantitative Results Session
Reducing Redundancy in Results Chapters
Adding Length to the Results Chapter
My Results were not Significant… Now What?
Section 10 – DISCUSSION
The Discussion Chapter must provide an explanation of your contribution to the body of knowledge in your field, yet it needs to do so by offering a compact review of your dissertation as a whole. In order to accomplish this, your committee will likely look for you to cover several key pieces, at the least. In addition to start, you will necessarily need a summary of Chapters 1 and 3 wherein you reiterate the essential points from both Chapters. This will certainly include highlighting the importance of your study and its limitations and delimitations, before then explaining your study’s design and any potential flaws therein.
That is, typical time to completion: 60 days
For instance, view Upcoming Webinars
Furthermore, Tips for a Great Dissertation Discussion
Almost There – Results, Discussion, & APA Editing
Results, Discussion, APA Editing, & Defense
Integrating Literature into your Discussion
Section 11 – PPT: FINAL
We can assist you with creating your PowerPoint for your final defense.
Typical time to completion: 30 days
Email us at [email protected]
Section 12 – APA Editing
The purpose of APA style citation is so others can look up and access all resources cited in a paper and check them for validity. Moreover, APA style citation has two major parts. For instance, these two parts are in-text citations and the reference list for APA style citation. In summary, the in-text citations for APA style citation occur within the document. Therefore, the second part of APA style citation occurs at the end of the document, in the reference list or bibliography part of the paper.
Thus, typical time to completion: 60 days
APA Editing: Standard In-Text Citation Rules
Getting Started with APA Editing
Maintaining APA Format for Tables
When to Reference your School Guidelines and when to Reference APA
We work with graduate students every day and know what it takes to get your research approved.