Dissertation Proposal

Once you have a clean, comprehensive dissertation proposal, you are then on the road to completing your dissertation.  Generally, the dissertation proposal consists of Chapters 1-3: the Introduction, the Literature Review, and the Methodology.  More specifically, your dissertation proposal will need to show your committee that you have identified a purposeful and important dissertation study (part of the Introduction, Chapter 1), will fill a gap in the literature (part of the Literature Review, Chapter 2), and have a method to assess that gap (part of the Methodology, Chapter 3).  Happily, we assist Ph.D. candidates in all three chapters!

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Discover How We Assist to Edit Your Dissertation Chapters

Aligning theoretical framework, gathering articles, synthesizing gaps, articulating a clear methodology and data plan, and writing about the theoretical and practical implications of your research are part of our comprehensive dissertation editing services.

  • Bring dissertation editing expertise to chapters 1-5 in timely manner.
  • Track all changes, then work with you to bring about scholarly writing.
  • Ongoing support to address committee feedback, reducing revisions.

In the Introduction, we assist you in identifying and articulating your research problem, describing your study’s theoretical construct, and clearly explaining the nature of your study.  You also have access to an editor who makes sure the statement of the problem is clear, and that your study’s rationale, significance, and research questions and hypotheses are stated concisely.  Typically, our experts suggest concluding the Introduction with a clear outline of your study’s assumptions, limitations, and delimitations.

Now, in the Literature Review, we guide your approach using our best practices for effectively searching, selecting, organizing, and summarizing articles.  Naturally, these best practices lead into how to present a well-curated Literature Review that tells a story and explicitly supports your research questions.  Importantly, together we will ensure that the gap in the literature is clearly stated and aligns with your problem statement.  As icing on the cake, our assistance includes a critique of the previous literature, wherein we replace and update articles as necessary.

Finally, in the Methodology section, we help you select and discuss the most suitable research design for your study, ultimately finalizing with you the necessary steps you will follow to carry out your qualitative or quantitative study.  This final output will include a discussion of your study’s target population, its sampling method, the instrument you will use, your study’s data analysis procedures, the limitations of the research design, any internal and external validity considerations, along with ethical issues and expected findings.  In short, we ensure that each section is comprehensive and quickly gains approval!

To learn more about dissertation proposal assistance, call 877-437-8622, fill out our contact form, or email Info@StatisticsSolutions.com.

Additional Resources on Dissertation Proposal