Alcohol Clinical Index (ACI)

The Alcohol Clinical Index (ACI) is a brief measure of alcohol use problems with patients in primary care settings.  There are two parts to this test – Clinical Signs Checklist and Medical History Questionnaire. The first part includes 17-items, whereas the second includes 13-items. A physician or health care professionals are the indented administrators of the ACI. Response for the items is a choice between “yes” or “no.”

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Harvey A. Skinner & Stephen Holt, 1987

Reliability and Validity

Data regarding reliability and validity was absent in the test manual for the Alcohol Clinical Index. Explanation of instrument development was also absent. However, there have been 11 published research articles supporting that the ACI is an effective instrument for briefly screening patients for their alcohol problems.

Administration, Analysis and Reporting

Statistics Solutions consists of a team of professional methodologists and statisticians that can assist the student or professional researcher in administering the survey instrument, collecting the data, conducting the analyses and explaining the results.

For additional information on these services, click here.


Alterman, A. I., Gelfund, L. A., & Sweeney, K. K. (1992). The Alcohol Clinical Index in Lower Socioeconomic Alcohol-Dependent Men. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 16, 960-963.

Skinner, H. A., Holt, S., Sheu, W. J., & Israel, M. (1986). Clinical versus Laboratory Detection of Alcohol Abuse: The Alcohol Clinical Index. British Medical Journal, 292, 1703-1708.

Skinner, H. A., Holt, S., & Israel, Y. (1981). Early Identification of Alcohol Abuse: I. Critical Issues and Psychosocial Indicators for a Composite Index. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 124, 1141-1152.

Skinner, H.A., and Holt, S. The Alcohol Clinical Index: Strategies for Identifying Patients With Alcohol Problems. Toronto: Addiction Research Foundation, 1987.

Ingram, J. J., Sauser, W. I., Jr., & Owens, C. A. (1989). Assessment: Determination of Client Needs and Progress. In D. R. Self (Ed.), Alcoholism Treatment Marketing: Beyond TV Ads and Speeches (pp. 207-223). New York: Haworth. View

Veres, J. G., III, & Sims, R. R. (Eds.). (1995). Human Resource Management and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Westport, CT: Quorum. View