Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal (WGCTA)

The Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal (WGCTA) contains 80 reading passages presenting problems, statements, arguments, and interpretations, each requiring the application of analytic reasoning skills.  Its five exercises cover Drawing Inferences, Recognizing Assumptions, Argument Evaluation, Deductive Reasoning, and Logical Interpretation.  Developed in 1937, the WGCTA has undergone many modifications and developments, including internationalization.

The Standard Version takes about 60 minutes to administer. Forms A & B are parallel forms of the assessment for use in pre and post-assessment.  Over 40 norm groups are available for the Standard Version, including norms for industries like Financial Services, Banking, Insurance, Manufacturing/Production, Retail/Wholesale, Health Care, Information Technology, High-Tech Industries, Telecommunications, Education, Government/Public Service/Defense; and positions like Director, Executive, Manager, Professional, Sales Supervisor.

The Short Form contains 40 items including the same sections and question types as the Standard Version, and takes about 30 minutes to administer.  Over 20 norm groups are available for the short form.

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Watson and Glaser 1937

Obtaining the WGCTA

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Dissertations Using the Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal

Below is a list of dissertations that use the WGCTA.  The full version of these dissertations can be found on ProQuest.

Adams, L. (2008). Critical thinking skills of baccalaureate nursing students. Capital University).

Ferrara, L. R. (2008). Relationship of work experience to clinical and leadership competence of advanced practice nursing students. University of Phoenix).

Aebersold, M. L. (2008). Capacity to rescue: Nurse behaviors that rescue patients. University of Michigan).

Belinsky, S. B. (2000). The effect of a peer to peer strategy within radiation therapy and nursing clinical settings on the development of critical thinking skills. University of Massachusetts Lowell).

Nathan, Y. H. (1997). Critical thinking: Impact on two classes of nursing students in an academic year. Columbia University Teachers College).

Notarianni, M. A. (1991). An investigation of the critical thinking ability of associate and baccalaureate degree nursing students. Widener University School of Nursing).
