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Statistics Solutions Interactive Dissertation Timeline
Enter your start and end dates in the form below to generate your interactive dissertation timeline.
If you have already started the dissertation process, your start date should be estimated around the time that you completed comprehensive exams.
Please keep in mind that this timeline is to be used as a loose estimate, you should always refer to your chairperson/committee for setting completion dates.
Start Date
Total Days:
End Date
Completion Date
Start Date
Begin Dissertation Development
Phase 1:
Find Chairperson and Agree on Topic
Choose Committee Members
Intro/Literature Review
Chair Approval
Phase 2:
Writing the Recipe
Chair Approval
Committee Approval
Format Pre-Proposal Defense
Address Feedback and Edits
Submit to IRB/ARB
Approval and Permission to Collect Data
Phase 3:
Harvesting the Data
Collect Data
Chapter 4
Phase 4:
Chapter 5
Submit to Committee
Address Feedback and Edits
Phase 5:
Defense and Completion
Final Defense
APA Edits
Send to Library
End Date
Ph.D./Ed.D./Psy.D. Complete!
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