In Need of Definition: How to Select Terms to Define in your Dissertation


One section that is often required in a dissertation is the “Definitions of Terms.” This section outlines the key concepts and factors explored in this study, explaining how these elements will shape the research. The “Definitions of Terms” ensures that your readers will understand the components of your study in the way that you will be presenting them, because often your readers may have their own understanding of the terms, or not be familiar with them at all. In this section, you provide a list of terms and define each of them that you will use throughout the dissertation. Seems simple enough, right? But how do you know which terms to define and which ones to leave out?

Include and define terms that are crucial to your study or frequently used throughout the dissertation but may not be common knowledge. You also want to include terms that have a unique meaning within the scope of your study. You do not need to include terms that most, if not all, of your readers will understand without having definitions provided. For instance, you likely don’t need to define ‘leadership’ in your ‘Definitions of Terms,’ but ‘laissez-faire leadership’ would be a good term to include.

However, if your study is about leadership, then it may be beneficial to the understanding of your readers to define leadership based on how you are using it within your study. Things like success or achievement may need definition as well, if you are using them within your study, as the readers will need to know what measures or markers of success or achievement that you will focus on within your study.

For more information on “Definitions of Terms,” including what information to include within the definitions, check out our other blog: How to Write Your Definitions.

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