Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is commonly used instrument for the evaluation of a person’s personality and behavior. Currently there exist five forms of MBTI: Form M, Form M self-scorable, Form G, Form G self-scorable, and Form Q. The test has been translated into 21 different languages and has established itself as a useful method in improving performance, choosing careers, and reducing workplace conflict.


Isabel Briggs Myers

Validity and Reliability

Based on the most recent forms of MBTI (M and Q), the internal consistency was .90 for Form M and .77 for Form Q. A sample of 3,009 people representing a national sample was used for Form M, whereas a nationally representative sample of 1,378 was used for Form Q. The test is given to 2 million people every year; in addition, the test is used by companies and researchers. The MBTI is an established instrument used for the analysis of personality.

Obtaining the MBTI


Administration, Analysis and Reporting

Statistics Solutions consists of a team of professional methodologists and statisticians that can assist the student or professional researcher in administering the survey instrument, collecting the data, conducting the analyses and explaining the results.

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Dissertations Using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

Below is a list of dissertations that use the MBTI.  The full version of these dissertations can be found using ProQuest.

Li, Y. (2003). Assessment of nursing college students learning styles in taiwan using the myers-briggs type indicator. University of Southern California).

Stauning-Santiago, B. (2003). Identification of at-risk nursing students using the myers-briggs type indicator and hollands vocational preference inventory. State University of New York at Albany).

Horstein, C. A. (1995). Identification of personality types of associate degree nursing students and faculty based on the myers-briggs type indicator. Pepperdine University).

Puyleart, B. L. (2006). Learning styles of baccalaureate nursing students using the myers-briggs type indicator. Marian College of Fond du Lac).

Zitkus, B. S. (2008). The relationship among registered nurses personality type, weight status, weight loss motivating factors, weight loss regimens, and successful or unsuccessful weight loss. Dowling College).


Schaubhut, N. A., Thompson, R. C., & O’Hara, J. M. (2008). The influence of personality of where people choose to work. Boston, MA: Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, August 14-17, 2008.

O’Hara, J. M., Thompson, R. C., Donnay, D. A. C., Morris, M. L., & Schaubhut, N. A. (August, 2006). Correlating the newly revised Strong Interest Inventory® with the MBTI®. New Orleans, LA: Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Conference.

Quenk, N. L., Hammer, A. L., & Majors, M. S. (2001). MBTI® Step II Manual. Mountain View, CA: CPP, Inc. View

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