The Quantitative Results Chapter includes confirming the correct analyses, conducting the actual analyses, and the write-up and explanation of the findings. You must conduct descriptive statistics on demographic and research variables (i.e., mean, standard deviation, frequency and percent as appropriate); Conduct analyses and assess assumptions to examine the research questions; and Assess the assumptions of the analyses. The Qualitative Results Chapter includes thematization and reliability. You must read and re-read your interview transcripts; Thematize your participant responses; and Draft or co-draft results chapter to present themes and supporting excerpts of those themes.
Typical time to completion: 30 days
Best resources:
Software & Tools
Directory of Statistical Analysis
Almost There – Results, Discussion, & APA Editing
Results, Discussion, APA Editing, & Defense
Tips for Writing Qualitative Results When you Don’t Feel like Writing
Quantitative Results Chapter (in less than 1 week)
Preparing for your Accelerated Quantitative Results Session
Reducing Redundancy in Results Chapters
Adding Length to the Results Chapter
My Results were not Significant… Now What?
We work with graduate students every day and know what it takes to get your research approved.