Structural Equation Modeling

Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is a sophisticated statistical approach that enables researchers to explore but also to analyze the relationships between observed variables and underlying latent constructs. It effectively combines principles from factor analysis, which identifies underlying factors from observed variables, and multiple regression analysis, which assesses how one set of variables predicts another.

Moreover, in SEM, we distinguish between two types of variables:

  • Endogenous variables, which are analogous to dependent variables in traditional analyses, representing outcomes or effects.
  • Moreover, Exogenous variables, similar to independent variables, are considered the causes or predictors that influence endogenous variables.

Theoretical Framework of SEM

SEM operates on two foundational models:

  • Measurement Model: This component of SEM delineates how observed variables relate to their respective latent constructs, moreover, essentially defining the operationalization of theoretical concepts.
  • Structural Model: This model outlines the hypothesized relationships among latent constructs themselves, providing a conceptual map of how different constructs influence one another.

SEM is particularly valued for its ability to estimate complex relationships involving multiple dependent and independent variables within a unified analytical framework. Therefore, this capacity makes it an ideal tool for testing theoretical models that propose causal pathways and interdependencies among variables. Furthermore, one of the critical aspects of SEM is its reliance on certain statistical assumptions, including the need for multivariate normal distribution of the variables for the application of maximum likelihood estimation methods. Consequently, adherence to these assumptions is crucial for the validity of the chi-square test of model fit, an essential component of SEM that assesses how well the proposed model represents the data.

SEM is often referred to as causal modeling due to its utility in testing hypothesized causal relationships between variables. Specifically, it provides a comprehensive method for researchers to test and refine theoretical models, making it an indispensable tool in the social sciences, psychology, education, and beyond. For instance, it offers insights into the direct and indirect relationships between variables, SEM facilitates a deeper understanding of the underlying mechanisms driving observed phenomena.

Essential Assumptions in SEM


To illustrate, SEM operates on the assumption of a linear relationship between endogenous (dependent) and exogenous (independent) variables. In particular, this linearity is crucial for the accurate estimation of the relationships among variables.

Outlier Management

Data utilized in SEM should be free of outliers, as outliers can significantly impact the model’s significance and distort the results.

Sequence and Causality

Moreover, a clear cause-and-effect relationship between endogenous and exogenous variables is required. Consequently, the cause must precede the effect, establishing a temporal sequence that supports causality.

Non-spurious Relationships

The observed covariance between variables must reflect a true relationship and subsequently, not be the result of spurious or confounding factors.

Model Identification

To illustrate, a model to be considered viable, it must be properly identified. Similarly, this means the number of equations must exceed or equal the number of estimated parameters, aiming for models that are over-identified or exactly identified to ensure solvability and meaningfulness.

Sample Size Considerations

A sample size ranging from 200 to 400, with 10 to 15 indicators per variable, is generally recommended. In particular, this guideline serves as a rough estimate, suggesting 10 to 20 times as many cases as variables to ensure sufficient data for reliable analysis.

Independence of Error Terms

Meanwhile in error terms within the model should not correlate with each other or with other variables’ error terms, maintaining the integrity of the model’s estimates.

Data Requirements

Therefore, SEM typically requires interval-level data to accurately model the relationships between variables.

Steps in SEM

Defining Constructs

For instance, the initial step involves theoretically defining the constructs and conducting pretests to evaluate the items. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) is then used to confirm the measurement model.

Developing the Measurement Model

Also known as path analysis, this step establishes the relationships between exogenous and endogenous variables through directional arrows, adhering to the principle of unidimensionality.

Study Design for Empirical Results

Furthermore, this phase requires specifying the model and designing the study to minimize identification problems, utilizing order condition and rank condition methods to address potential issues.

Assessing Measurement Model Validity

Concurrently, known as CFA, this stage involves comparing the theoretical measurement model against actual data to assess construct validity.

Specifying the Structural Model

Structural paths between constructs are delineated, ensuring no arrows enter an exogenous construct and therefore, each hypothesized relationship accounts for one degree of freedom. Similarly, the model may be recursive or non-recursive.

Examining Structural Model Validity

Thus, the final step involves validating the structural model. A good fit is indicated by an insignificant chi-square test value and indeed the satisfactory performance on incremental fit indexes (CFI, GFI, TLI, AGFI) and badness of fit indexes (RMR, RMSEA, SRMR).

To emphasize, these steps and assumptions guide researchers through the complex yet powerful process of SEM, allowing for a nuanced understanding of the relationships among variables in various fields of study.


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Path Analysis

Conduct and Interpret a Factor Analysis